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Your guide into the world of Deepfake and AIGC.

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Deepfakes and AIGC
In this module, you will learn about what Deepfakes are, how they are made, and how to identify them. You will also discover the basics of how generative AI create images, audio, text, and videos.
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Deepfake Images
Discover the ways that deepfake images can be made, ways to find fake images, and the ethical concerns behind it.
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AI-generated Audio
Discover the ways that audio can be made with programs, along with AI-generated audio examples.
Deepfake Videos
Discover the methods used to create videos with tools, along with many AI-generated video examples.
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Large-Language Models and Generated Text
Discover the ways that text is generated via programs. There will be examples of generated text and ways of spotting them.
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Learn More
Discover additional resources for learning more about Deepfakes, the ethnics of using AI for media content, generative AI and dive deeper into AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning.